"HERE AND NOW" - contemporary art on the streets of the city
The neighborhood with the Cosmonautics Museum is a case when a piece of modern art is perfectly complemented by urban environment, enters into a direct dialogue with it and creates an holistic saying. Virtual and real space complement each other not only visually in this case.

The "Cloudy Knot" multimedia work created with the help of AR technology is a kind of embodiment of the idea of a myth like the famous Monument "To the Conquerors of Space". But if in the last case the Soviet myth-making about the possible colonization of other planets and worlds by the "new man" was quite successful, the "clouds" are "characters", maximally detached from the earth, which refer to the category of reasonable elements, typical for pagan religions and ancient myths.

There is no top and bottom here - it is a boundless airy space of illusions and dreams. This is the celestial space where clouds form, stages are separated from rockets and one important rule of optics comes into life: the big one is always better seen from a distance.